The “For More Information” section of your article is used to list any articles you cited in the text. You may also list any works you did not cite specifically but that might provide more information for an interested reader.
Do not place references in a text box.
Each reference should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, flush left, ragged right.
In general, references should follow the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE) style, including parenthetical references (author, date) in the text as needed, with the following exceptions or reminders:
For your reference, the key AJAE guidelines are listed below.
List all references double-spaced at the end of your article, alphabetized by authors’ last names, at the end of the manuscript in a section titled “For More Information.”
When citing works in the text, use et al. only when a work has four or more authors. Cite all of the authors in the reference section.
For journal articles, include the issue number or month (see below) for journals that do not number pages consecutively throughout a volume (e.g., Journal of Economic Perspectives).
Please use the examples below to determine the correct format for references.
Black, J.D. 1929. Agricultural Reform in the United States. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.
Wold, H., and L. Jureen. 1989. Demand Analysis, 3rd. ed. New York: Macmillan Co.
Wold, H., J. Smith, and L. Jureen. Year. The Viability…
Masters, H.E. Forthcoming. Land Grant Colleges Today, vol. 1. New York: Macmillan Co.
Timmer, C.P. 1975. The Impact of Price. George Tolley, ed. Chicago: Ballinger Press.
Harriss, C.L., ed. 1975. The Good Earth of America. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Blakley, L. 1974. “Domestic Food Costs.” Paper presented at AAEA annual meeting, College Station TX, 4–8 August.
Sjaastad, L. 1971. “Occupational Structure and Migration Patterns.” In E. O. Heady, ed. Labor Mobility and Population in Agriculture. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, pp. 8–27.
Ezekiel, M. 1929. “A Statistical Examination of the Problem of Handling Annual Surpluses of Nonperishable Farm Products.” Journal of Farm Economics 11:193–226.
Swallow, S.K., and M.J. Mazzotta. 2004. “Assessing Public Priorities for Experiment Station Research: Contingent Value and Public Preferences for Agricultural Research.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86: in publication process.
Swallow, S.K., and M.J. Mazzotta. Forthcoming. “Assessing Public Priorities for Experiment Station Research: Contingent Value and Public Preferences for Agricultural Research.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, in publication process.
Porter, M.E., and M. Sakakibara. 2004. "Competition in Japan." Journal of Economic Perspectives 18(1):27-50.
Calcott, P., and M. Walls. 2000. "Can Downstream Waste Disposal Policies Encourage Upstream 'Design for Environment'?" American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 90(2):233-237.
Yohe, G., J. Neumann, and H. Ameden. 1995. “Assessing the Economic Cost of Greenhouse-Induced Sea Level Rise: Methods and Application in Support of a National Survey.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29(3, Part 2):S-78-S-97.
Prufer, O. 1964. “The Hopewell Cult.” Scientific American, December, pp. 90–102.
Lambert, P. Forthcoming. “Parameters of Social Disintegration.” Political Science Quarterly, in press.
Von Drehle, D. 2000, January 15 “Russians Unveil New Security Plans.” The Washington Post, pp. A1, A21.
The Washington Post, 2000, January 15 “Russians Unveil New Security Plans.” pp. A1, A21
Goldberger, A.S. 1959. Impact Multiplier and Dynamic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing.
Goldberger, A.S. 1964. Econometric Theory. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Horan, R.D., J.S. Shortle, and D.G. Abler. 1999. “Green Payments for Nonpoint Pollution Control.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81:1210-1215.
Horan, R.D., J.S. Shortle, and D.G. Abler. 2004. “The Coordination and Design of Point-Nonpoint Trading Programs and Agri-Environmental Policies.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 33:61-78.
Bucholz, H.E., G.G. Judge, and V.I. West. 1962. “A Summary of Estimated Behavior Relations for Agricultural Products in the United States.” Department of Agricultural Economics AERR-57, University of Illinois, Campaign-Urbana.
Conference proceedings:
Lim, K. H., and Hu, W. 2013. “How Local Is Local? Consumer Preference for Steaks with Different Food Mile Implications.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, February 3–5, Orlando, Florida.
Fishbourne, N., and B. Geagh. 1974. “Food Policies and Social Supply.” Working paper, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
Kuranchie, P.A. 1971. “Cost and Returns to Selected Crops in Ghana.” MS thesis, University of Ghana.
Wells, J.C. 1964. “An Appraisal of Agricultural Investments in the 1962-63 Nigerian Development Program.” PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Moore, P. 1960. “Academic Development.” Unpublished, University of Notre Dame.
Heady, E.O., D. McKee, and C.B. Haver. 1955. “Farm Size Adjustments in Iowa and Cost Economies in Crop Production for Farms of Different Sizes.” Iowa State University Agricultural Experimental Station Res. Bulletin No. 428, May.
Heady, E.O., D. McKee, and C.B. Haver. 1955. “Farm Size Adjustments.” Department of Agricultural Economics Bulletin No. 428, Iowa State University, May.
Brown, L.R. 1965. Increasing World Food Output: Problems and Prospects. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic, Statistics and Cooperatives Services, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report 25, April.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1965. Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948–1963. Economic, Statistics and Cooperatives Services, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report 27, Washington, D.C., November.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1966. 1964 United States Census of Agriculture, Preliminary Report. Washington, D.C., April.
U.S. Bureau of the Budget. 1963. The Budget of the United States Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1964. Washington, D.C.
U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Task Force on Federal Flood Control. 1966. A Unified National Program for Managing Flood Losses. Washington, D.C.: House Document 465, 89th Cong., 2nd sess., 10 August.
U.S. Congress, Senate Commission on Commerce. Conversion to the Metric System: Hearings on S1278. Washington, D.C.: 88th Cong., 2nd sess., January 9, 1964, p. 58.
United Nations. 1964. Yearbook of National Accounts Statistics, 1963. New York.
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization. 1962. Agricultural Commodities, Projections for 1970. Rome.
Ghana, Republic of, Central Bureau of Statistics. 1962. Economic Survey, 1961. Accra: Government Printing Department.
Haynes, M. 2009. “Farm-to-School in Central Minnesota.” Minneapolis, MN: Region Five Development Commission, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Applied Economics Department. Available online: http://www.regionfive.org/cms/files/Farm%20to%20School%20in%20Central%20MN%20--%20Applied%20Economic%20Analysis.pdf
If necessary—for example, when writing about specific information from food bloggers—website addresses can be cited within the text of your article since Choices is an online publication. The address must immediately follow the site name. When the article is put online for Choices, it will be linked and no address will appear. However, the website must also be included in the For More Information section so that people printing a hard-copy of the article can also reference the site.
When listing websites, they may remain underlined and in the default color of blue. However, do not try to break the address or in any way format it after listing, for example:
Available online: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/.
Links will be handled when the article is posted online.
Saveur (http://www.saveur.com/article/blog/2013-Best-Food-Blog-Awards-Winners) published its list of 2013 award winners.
For More Information:
Saveur. (2014). 2013 Best Food Blog Award Winners. Available online: http://www.saveur.com/article/blog/2013-Best-Food-Blog-Awards-Winners