Figures and Tables Guidelines
Submission Format and Placement of Figures and Tables in Articles
Include tables, figures and box text in the same document as the article text, placed after the references.
Each table and figure is to be in the proper format as described below.
To indicate where a figure or a table should be placed in the article, include “[Place Figure 1 here]” or “[Place Table 2 here]” in the text of the article.
Example: A Figure as Part of an Article Online |

- Figures are defined as any graphs, visual charts, or images that accompany an article. Figures should be submitted as a (.jpg, .tif, or .png) file. Do not send PDF versions of figures. Figures in Word and Excel are also acceptable.
- Label each figure with a number and a title and place as text in your submission, do not imbed in the figure.
- Please have all labels in the figure, including the labels of the axes, formatted in title case. This means that the first letter of all words should be capitalized, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
- Include notations that correspond to the figure, such as footnotes and sources in the text of your submission, do not imbed in the figure.
- Figures created in Excel should use the default color scheme (generally, blue, burgundy, olive green, etc.).
- Figures should be created using the 3-D option (In Excel, this is located in the Insert tab. Select the type of figure (bar, line, pie, etc.), select 3-D option from the figure’s drop-down menu). The 3-D option should be used regardless of whether the Figure is a column, line, pie, bar, area, scatter or other configuration.
Example: A Table as Part of an Article Online |

Tables are defined as data displayed numerically, usually formatted like a spreadsheet. Prepare tables using the table function in Word.
- Label each table with a number and a title and place as text in your submission, do not imbed in the table.
- Label each axis of the table.
- Include notations that correspond to the table, such as footnotes and sources in the text of your submission, do not imbed in the table.
- Include both vertical and horizontal lines in the table grid.